Sunday, May 17, 2009


As you may or may not know, Duncan and Toys'R'Us recently signed some sort of big deal BUSINESS TALK BUSINESS TALK I don't really know exactly what it is. What I do understand from it though is that T'R'U is now carrying a good amount of Duncan yo-yos. They have the Butterfly, Imperial, Reflex, Pulse, Dragonfly, Speed Beetle, and FreeHand 2.

In addition to this, Duncan is sending around demonstrators to most of the major T'R'U stores around the country. Duncan Crew USA members Nate Sutter and Jeff Coons (that's me) are doing shows at T'R'U's in MA, NH, CT, RI, and NY. In between those times, we also have a gig up in ME and are planning on going to the Canadian National Yo-Yo Contest. Basically, we are spending every weekend starting 5/16-5/17 until 6/27-6/28 together. We decided that we are going to blog about the shows that we're doing, kind of like a tour journal.

On the right side is our calendar that has all the dates and locations of the shows we're doing. We'd love to see you come out! Also on the right are Nate and I's Twitter feeds. When we are doing shows you will be able to see more frequent updates on what's going on.

We also decided that for each show, we are going to do shoutouts and try to post as many pictures and/or as much video as we get!

So, get excited for Nate + Jeff = Awesome All The Time!

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